Português brasileiro

22 Jul 2014

The brains behind the BAD

The early detection of ectatic change is of paramount importance to the refractive surgeon.Anterior curvature and ultrasonic pachymetry, alone,does not provide enough information to detect early corneal disease. The combination of anterior and posterior elevation and complete pachymetric data gives the clinician a more complete view of the
structure of the cornea and allows for more effective screening. The OCULUS Pentacam’s Scheimpflug Cross-sectional imaging (OCULUS Optikgerate GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) provides for a three-dimensional reconstruction of the anterior segment, making possible the assessment of the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces and the creation of a complete pachymetric map. The Belin / Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia Display (BAD display) was designed to utilise the data supplied by the Pentacam’s rotating Scheimpflug camera and provide a comprehensive keratoconus screening display. The display combines the anterior and posterior elevation and pachymetric data into one all-inclusive display giving the clinician a more complete overview of the corneal shape and allowing for quick and effective screening of refractive surgery patients.

Über OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH

OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH ist ein mittelständisches Unternehmen, das augenoptische und augendiagnostische Geräte herstellt. Rund 230 Mitarbeiter entwickeln und fertigen die über 150 verschiedenen OCULUS Produkte in Wetzlar-Dutenhofen, Hessen. 50% des Umsatzes generiert OCULUS auf Auslandsmärkten, doch alle Produkte sind ausschließlich "Made in Germany."

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